
  • 3 Dog Supplements To Improve Your Dog's Health

    Responsible pet owners are always looking for ways to make sure that their dogs are as healthy and as happy as possible for as long as possible. This often leads to dog owners looking for the best products to boost their dog's health, such as nutritional supplements that can be used to help with everything from allergies to arthritis. Listed below are three types of dog supplements to consider in order to improve your dog's health.
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  • Seeking A Reptile For Your Child's Next Pet? What Are Your Best Options?

    If your child has recently expressed interest in adding a reptile to your family's pet collection, you may be nervous about the different health and habitat needs of a cold-blooded creature. Fortunately, there are several hardy reptiles whose needs are simple enough for a child to handle while still providing interaction and companionship. Read on to learn more about the most kid-friendly reptiles whose habitats and eating habits won't break your household budget.
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  • What To Do When You Find A Lost Or Abandoned Animal

    Many people have come across a lost or abandoned animal at some point in their lives. You may be confused when it happens to you. Should you simply call animal control or try to catch the animal yourself? The answer, of course, depends on the circumstances. Before you act, evaluate the situation clearly and calmly. On the Road  The most dangerous situation occurs when the lost animal is on or near the highway.
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  • Recognizing and Treating Hind-Leg Paralysis in Sugar Gliders

    One of the more common medical problems associated with sugar gliders is hind-leg paralysis, or HLP, which is typically easily recognized by a loss of function in your pet's back legs. Whenever you notice your sugar glider dragging its hind legs like this, you must act immediately to get your pet to an exotic animal hospital and under the care of an experienced veterinarian. This condition is not only often treatable if acted upon quickly enough but also may be pointing to a less obvious medical issue that could pose a more significant risk to your glider.
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  • Four Health Tips To Help Indoor Cats Live The Good Life

    Most vets will recommend that cats stay indoors if at all possible for health reasons. Indoor living can be healthier for your cat, but there still can be a few health-related issues that an indoor cat might face. Here are four health tips that can make your indoor cat's lifestyle healthier and happier. 1. Make Your Home Fun If your cat can have curiosity and get exercise within the home, this can keep them healthier and also keep them from becoming depressed.
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  • Three Things Bird Owners Need To Know About Zinc Toxicosis

    Zinc is an essential mineral, but if your bird is exposed to too much of it, they could become very ill with zinc toxicosis. Here are three things bird owners need to know about zinc toxicosis. How are birds exposed to zinc? Some foods that your bird likes to eat contain a lot of zinc. For example, pumpkin seeds are a major source of zinc, and they're a favorite food for some birds.
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  • Leaving Your Cat Home Alone For The Weekend

    Cats are far more independent than dogs. If you're only going to be out of town for a day or two, you should be able to leave your cat home alone rather than take him to a boarding facility. However, you'll want to make sure you take these steps to keep your cat safe and happy while you're away. Invest in an automatic waterer. Most cats don't like stale water. If you leave a bowl of water out, your cat may only drink it the first day or two – and may go without water during subsequent days.
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  • A Guide To Understanding And Treating Your Cat's Asthma

    If your cat has been diagnosed with asthma, it is essential to remember that he or she is at increased risk of death and their veterinary care is much more important than it would be for a healthy feline. Feline asthma is the most common respiratory illness for cats today and with proper diagnosis, medication and monitoring, its symptoms can typically be safely managed. It impacts one percent of domestic cats in the United States, and as of June 2016, there is not yet a cure.
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