Three Things Pug Owners Need To Know About Overcrowded Teeth
Posted on: 27 July 2016
There are many health problems that can affect your adorable pet pug, including overcrowded teeth. If your pug's teeth are overcrowded, the teeth may be rotated or slanted inside the mouth; this situation can pose many problems for your furry friend. Here are three things pug owners need to know about overcrowded teeth.
Why do pugs get overcrowded teeth?
Most breeds of adult dogs have 42 teeth, including pugs. In dogs with longer snouts, like beagles and retrievers, there's plenty of room for these teeth. In flat-faced dogs like pugs, these teeth need to fit into a compressed jaw. Since your pug has a small jaw, there may not be room for all of their teeth to erupt properly. The teeth may end up crowded and crooked due to the lack of space.
Why are overcrowded teeth a problem?
Pugs don't feel self conscious about overcrowded, crooked teeth like people can, but that doesn't mean that your pug's teeth aren't a problem. Overcrowded teeth are much more than cosmetic concern! Overcrowded teeth tend to get more brittle, so your dog's teeth may break over time.
It's also harder for you to thoroughly clean your dog's teeth when they're tightly packed together, so plaque and food may remain on their teeth. This can lead to the same types of dental problems that people with poor oral hygiene develop, like cavities or gum disease.
How are overcrowded teeth treated?
If your pug's teeth are overcrowded, their vet may want to extract some of their molars to make room for the other teeth. The vet will take x-ray images of your dog's mouth to evaluate the condition of the teeth and plan which teeth will be extracted. Even well-behaved dogs won't sit still while a vet performs dental work, so your pug will need to be anesthetized beforehand. Anesthesia is generally safe, but since flat-faced dogs like pugs are prone to respiratory problems, they need to be monitored closely during and after surgical procedures.
During the recovery period, your pug will need to eat soft foods. If you've ever had a tooth pulled, you'll have a good idea of what your pug is going through. Hard kibble and chew toys will cause pain, so stick to soft, easy-to-eat foods like canned dog food.
If your pug's teeth are crooked and overcrowded, take them to a vet for a dental evaluation. Some of their teeth may need to be extracted to avoid future dental problems. Talk with a pet dentistry specialist for more information.