Tips For Making A Trip To The Vet With Your Cat A Stress Free Experience
If you are a cat owner, you probably hate having to get your beloved pet ready for a trip to the veterinarian. In fact, 58 percent of cat owners believe that their felines hate going to the vet. However, vet visits are inevitable if you want to make sure your cat stays healthy as long as possible and gets the care it needs when medical problems arise. So, if you want to lessen the stress of getting your cat prepared for a vet visit, even when it is an emergency and you do not have much time, heed the following suggestions.
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Four Ways To Keep Your Dog Safe And Healthy On Vacation This Summer
If your dog is a part of the family, they might even travel with you on family vacations. While this can be fun for everyone, making sure your dog is safe and healthy along the way is important as well. Here are four things you can do to make trips with the family dog fun and safe for everyone. 1. Get a Clean Bill of Health Before you take your dog on the road, bring them to the veterinarian first to ensure that they are ready for the road and don't have any underlying conditions.
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